Dr. Newsom specializes in assessment of neurodevelopmental differences and he offers comprehensive and basic assessments of Autism and associated neurodivergent traits for adults. Adult Autism Assessments have become a major focus of his practice and he is recognized within the Autistic community as a supportive, affirming providers who understands autism at a deep level.
One popular choice is the Comprehensive Assessment. This includes a background questionnaire, an interview, objective testing, cognitive testing, autism specific assessment measures and procedures to evaluate co-occurring conditions. The comprehensive assessment provides a full neurodivergence profile. Cognitive assessment requires an in-office visit in addition to the diagnostic interview.
The Adult Autism Diagnostic Assessment is the same as the comprehensive except that it does not include the cognitive testing. This is less expensive and it does provide an accurate diagnosis. The Adult Autism Diagnostic Assessment is offered via telehealth now.
For both assessments you will get a feedback session where we go over the results and that session is followed by a full written report. Your feedback will include therapeutic and service recommendations specific for you and your current situation.
To find out more, feel free to call or email Dr. Newsom. Initial phone consultation is free.