Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalulia, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Specific Learning Disorders with impairment or reading, writing or mathematics: Dr. Newsom has been evaluating learning differences and disorders for over 20 years. Dr. Newsom’s evaluations are comprehensive, independent, student-focused and very helpful. He evaluates students from Kindergarten through college.
Independent evaluations for learning disorders are especially important because of the biases that are common in schools. When an evaluation is done by a school or school district, it serves the school’s interests – which are not always the same as what would be best for the student. With an independent evaluation you get both a diagnosis and analysis of educational eligibility. With a school-based evaluation, you only get educational eligibility, but this isn’t always explained well. When a student is evaluated for one learning disorder it is extremely important to evaluate other learning disorders too because of high co-morbidity.
Dr. Newsom’s reports are used by multiple private schools, boarding schools, and public school districts and colleges to support special education services and by parents who want to understand the best way to help their children learn. They are used to obtain classroom accommodations from kindergarten through college and extra time on high stakes tests like the ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, and MCAT.
For a free initial phone consultation call Dr. Newsom now at (855) 640-1700 or email dr.scott@newsompsychological.com